
Eco-Sil  can decrease the surface tension on the surface applied and provides more spreading compared to conventional spreader and stickers. In the picture below, you can see the leave application in which Eco-Sil is mixed and non-mixed inside water mixture and Grande-Frutta.  Pesticides and fertilizers that has Eco-Sil provide with homogenous spread all over the leave fruit. And it does not create any stain that other conventional pesticides do.Eco-Sil is a non-ionic and organic silicon. It could be used by mixing with all type of insecticides, fungicides ,herbicides plant growth regulators and fertilizers.

 Eco-Sil prevents  lens effect  formed  by undistributed water drops and that’s why it stops burnings that conventional stickers and diffusers cause.

While conventional diffuser and stickers are washed away easily from the surface of leaves , new generation Eco-Sil  is resistant against being washed away under rain. Therefore, it reduces repeated disinfection costs.

Eco-Sil does not leave any remaining on plant surface and fruit. Moreover it is harmless to users, environment and natural life. It does not cause any toxic effect in the plant since it contains no solvent.

* Pay attention to the advices of producers  about the pesticides and fertilizers  to be used in mixture  and  keep in mind that the suggested usage doses are not certain.

Keeping Conditions
Keep away from direct sun light and between 0 and 50  degrees. Destroy the used empty packages according to recycling rules and don’t throw into the nature.


As in the case of all other chemical materials, keep Eco-sil as well away from and inaccessible to children.

There is no a known side-effect of Eco-Sil . However  on some sensitive people, Eco-Sil  can cause some slight irritation and itching on the skin in the eyes as a result of direct contact. In such a case, the contacted part of the body must be washed plenty of water.

In the case of drinking accidentally,  consult on the closest health institution.


Usage Doses:
Regulators for plant growth 25 – 50 ml / 100 L
Herbicides 25 – 150 ml / 100 L
Insecticides 25 – 100 ml / 100 L
 Fungicides 15 – 50 ml / 100 L
Leave fertilizer with trace element 15 – 100 ml / 100 L